| - so i step up to the plate and decide to provide limo services to fellow yelper sara, my sis and her friend to do a vegas cupcake crawl. first stop, the cupcakery. as a side note, i've been to 3 of the 4 places we will visit and of those 3 , i've considered the Cupcakery to be the best cupcake store.
i've probably been to cupcakery 7 times before this visit, yet i've only eaten there 2 times ( the other times i bought for my banker chicks )
we buy 4 cupcakes and split them into quarters. but we decide ( can't remember why ) to wait until we hit our next stop before we eat them.
chocolate peanut butter, red velvet, boston cream, the house specialty - pink something or another ( cucpcakery gives each cupcake a cute name )
cucpcakery let me down a little - the peanut butter- the cake was too dry and the penaut butter taste too strong for me - i felt like i was eating a scoop of peanut butter from a jar with some chocolate sprinkled in it.
the red velvet - ok - the frosting was very good.
boston cream - very good - nice chocolate ganache frosting, the pudding filling blended well with the cake.
the pink - thingy - decent cake and frosting, kinda boring though.
and sara proved her true cupcake love by buying cupcake clothes. heck, she even looked at cupcake underwear but not sure why she didn't buy - might have been they did not have her size - cupcake underwear ?? that's true cupcake love !!