There's a convenience about this theatre that makes you forget the bad choice of movies. It's located inside the Square One Mall. Conveniently at the end of one corner tucked with it's own parking lot (outside and underground), burger joint & Bubble T place on it's immediate right.
This location is like a coupon good for :
1- impressing your gf/bf if they missed out catching an older movie or part of a series on the big screen? the " Oh I've seen this before but I am just THAT sweet that I'd see it again....with you." Valentines day planning?
2- Out of town relatives and you want to show them you are still connected to your roots?
3- Want to catch that new Desi flick but are too embarrassed to be seen at Albion Cinema.
4- Don't have a Ferrari and you want to plan a car-less date for an entire evening of nails/hair did, shopping, dinner & movie?
5- It's too cold out and you have time to kill before your bus arrives?
6 - Skipping school/class/work and need a theatre nobody you work with or know will go to?
7 - Like a girl/guy and want a non jail time excuse to cramp beside them in a dark room?
8 - Stalking an ex at the mall and you just happened to be there with 2 movie tickets and no company?
9 - Free over night parking if you want to get drunk at Faltes, on the curve or west 50?.... or the Timmies parking lot ( I don't judge)
10 - My fav - You just want to watch a movie and since you knew a few of the staff , they let you in for free?
Hard to say no, right?
Fun fact: There is a coin photo booth right at the doorway , by the escalators. - As if my COMPLETELY AWESOME TOP 10 REASON list hadn't seduced you enough.
Stick around.