| - I don't believe that a trip to the dentist has to be a terrifying, miserable, painful experience. My experience at Risas anything but that. When I first arrived, I forgot to take my insurance card. Fortunately, Tonya got on the phone and resolved all that. This was an annoyance I really didn't want to deal with and I didn't have to-even if it was my fault. I was then introduced to Dr. Perrero, and Nadia, his assistant. The two of them made my experience as pain free as I could have asked. I might tell you I don't mind going to the dentist but it is nice if the individuals working on you are pleasant and agreeable. These two are. Other than the discomfort of the Novocaine shots, it was virtually pain free. Thank you for that. I also appreciated be explained what was going on from one step to the next. They have a television screen at each station that you can watch if you want to be distracted. Not me, I just want to get it done and that is what they did. Great job! Dr. Perrero also did something for me that I appreciated. He gives you breaks periodically so that it doesn't get to intense. In my case, this was especially considerate. I don't like to have to go back again and again, so in two appointments I was getting done what would normally have taken four or five. Am I a gluten for punishment or what? As pain free as the whole experience waa , it really wan't to bad.
If how I described my experience at the detist is what you would like, I recommend this location of Risas. And in case, it sounds like I am not picky about my dental experiences, nothing could be farther from the truth. So, if I recommend these people, it is because it was truly five star.
One other thing. Insurance covered my procedures, but if it hadn't, these people seem to have a pretty good system for making it affordable to get dental work done,. In this day and age, I think that is a real plus.