| - Be sure to read the last paragraph.
I have visited the store in Phoenix twice now, and have decide that there are too many "gotchas" to continue to be a source of coffee for me. I share this in hopes that if there were errors, they would be corrected, and if it's the business model, then so be it.
My first visit, I found it disheartening to order a hot Americano and find the the there is no added value above the "B-Cup". I was informed that all the cups above the A-Cup only have two shots of espresso. So, for the additional 40 cents of so, you get about 4 additional ounces of "hot water". At about 10 cents and ounce, that would make a bottle of water $1.69 for 16.9 ounces, and who would pay that?
The coffee was good, so today I gave it another try. I ordered the EXACT SAME drink as the first time disregarding the additional cost for the hot water. Only this time, I was told I would have to pay for "extra flavor" because I wanted the same six splendas I had the first time which seemed to add about 40 cents more to the drink. Evidently, you are only allowed five splendas at no charge. I reduced it to five splendas and saved that "extra flavor" charge of about 40 cents for the single additional splenda packet. This time, the coffee is not as good, and that charge for extra flavor for a packet of splenda left me feeling like their business model was less about providing a good product with a novel concept, and more like a bait and hustle looking for any opportunity to get a little more profit out of the customer with no added value in return.
Last week I was talking up the quality of the product and the interesting concept of the bikini barista, but tomorrow, I will have to warn my friends to be wary of the upcharging, or to refrain from patronizing the business altogether. It's kind of sad because I thought someone had finally got it right. First have a great product, and then put a novel concept around it. Unfortunately, a great product and novel concept doesn't keep me coming back with the upcharging for what you get free everywhere else.
The girls are nice, but that only goes so far when it's more about the coffee, and less about them. If it's the scenery you like, then you will enjoy the place. If it's a good product at a fair, and at least somewhat competitive price, then stick to the more conservative boutique coffee houses. Your wallet will fair much better.
This is my experience, and who knows, I could be the only one experiencing this, but more than likely not.
Okay, seldom do business owners impress me over the opinions of it's customers, but I have just been impressed by the owners of the Bikini Beans Espresso. I got a call from the owners extremely fast and I could tell from their efforts to retain me as a customer that they really care about the customer experience. They explained that, no, there is no upcharge for splenda, and what their "extra flavor" upcharge is all about. I understood, and agreed with their policy, and it made business sense. They quick response and concern expressed for my experience has me more than happy to give them another try. He's giving me a free drink, but I would've given them another try based upon the phone call alone. I think they may have it right after all. They still have a few adjustments to make, and for that, I can look past today's experience and give them another chance to make me a fan.