You would be amazed what you could find in this marketplace. Today was my second visit to this International Food Marketplace. It has been here for years - and I have never walked in until recently. I was on a mission to find my favorite Cuban soda called a Jupina. I found it here! Outside of Miami, you can only get them in Cuban restaurants or specialty markets. I also found some amazing sauces, cookies, and other treats from around the world.
When we were finished shopping, my son wanted to try a shake with boba from their hot food restaurant. He really enjoyed the strawberry flavor on both visits! Today, I decided to get a pound of their freshly cooked BBQ pork, which they cut up for me and prepared it to-go with plenty of honey BBQ sauce. It was absolutely delicious and priced right at $6.99 a pound.
The store is packed wall to wall with everything from Chinese to Latin foods. They have cookware, and the best price on long grain jasmine rice I've seen. I will definitely be back soon.