This is not based onme; my mother in law just shared this experience. I tried to find a way to complain to management, but couldn't. She went in the evening to eat. No one was seating at 8pm. She could see the hostess in the back chit chatting. After 10 minutes, omeone finally came over ans seated her. She ordered a burger medium. A few minutes later i arrived. The grease was dripping all over the plate. She cut it in alf a d it was rare. She tried to eat around it, but it was so greasy and ubderdone, she couldnt. Someone walked by and she. Complained. He saud oh and walked off never to be seen again. Then she complained t her waitress who asked if she wanted the chef to com out. She declined. She asked to charge to room and gave info. Few minutes later, waitress asked for her credit card. Why? Don't know, but took it. This is how your treat and older woman who was looking forward to eating a good burger? Shame on you!