I normally don't like to make super generalizations, but I have not had a good pizza in Canada. So many other foods are amazing just not pizza, nor the pizza from here. I feel like I can write this because i have had pizza in a few places in different Canadian provinces and I haven't found a good place yet. The stuff we got was ok, but the waitress messed up our order and then it was downhill from there. I know I shouldn't expect much from a place like this but I feel a little more engagement with the guests is appropriate. I hate wasting food so I ate the wrong order which was the Genoa. It had just way too much gorgonzola (hence why we opted for mozzarella instead). But whatever, mistakes are made and that's life. The staff would probably do better by writing orders. The other was the Ripiena, which was ok. I'm convinced that if you want good pizza then you need to go to New York, New Jersey, Minas Gerais, or For the best quick pizza at Me n Ed's in the Central Valley of California. Come to Canada for almost anything else, just not pizza.