I flat REFUSE to get my scripts filled here after the following experiences in the past 60 days.
1: Lost prescriptions. I turned in a script that I was not able to fill for a week. Granted the staff can put the item back into inventory. But in this case they didn't just put the item back into inventory they completely lost the script from their system. Which is weird because the Walgreens app showed the script, but since it wasn't in their system they couldn't help me.
2: I pick up a script for someone that has an injectible medication. As part of filling that script we pick up a supply of syringes. For the last two prescriptions instead of providing the correct syringe and needle combinations that competing pharmacies seem to have no problem getting right, they sent out insulin syringes. Which is great if that's what's being injected but in this case its not. On top of that the difference in the needle length has caused significant swelling at the injection site causing more pain and problems than are necessary. But the "trained professional pharmacy staff" doesn't seem to care and can't provide the correct syringes that again their competition can do without fuss.
3: Lines: Especially since K-Mart closed the peak time wait here at both the drive-up and walk-in lines has reached 20, even 30 minutes at times. And even with 3 staff members working the counter it's still painfully slow to get a script filled here.
If you need a script filled in the SE part of Henderson, please be aware that there are other pharmacies without the excessive wait times. And the competition doesn't seem to lose scripts, and knows the details of the injectable products they're selling.
1 Star. We moved our prescriptions elsewhere. Unless I need something over the counter in a hurry, this place might as well not exist for my family.