What can I say about Wal-Mart that is not already said.
Thank goodness I have some self-respect so I go there once a year at most or once every two years. Anyway, accompanied a older friend to this place because she wanted to pick up wrapping (which she ended up buying at Dollarama) and this place is the disaster that I expected.
Packed parking lot with trolleys bouncing everywhere
Ugly lighting
Food sitting in the middle Christmas decorations and wrappers (thank-you Wal-Mart shoppers for leaving food you didn't end up buying in the middle of paper goods)
Not a clean or organized store and it is cold in there
Mud on the floor
Unbelievable that people pack this place.
I mean if you have five kids and have no money and cannot afford to shop anywhere else because you have five children then why have five kids???
It makes sense that a store like this that has more expensive prices, unattractive interior, no employee to help or answer a question to have the most packed and busy line-up at the cash and parking lot. After all, the guy on TV who kept firing people is elected to bring people jobs in the USA!
Then it is not even cheap because Dollarama is cheaper than Wal-Mart!!