I have been going to Riverside since they opened up the bar section in 2005. Or was it 2006? Either way, rough years of my life that blended together from the sandpaper of time. Bob has really done a number on the place. They have around 10 great beers on tap at any given time. The drafts are well thought out with a good variety to accomodate different tastes. Riverside had the Hunter S. Thompson tribute beer Flying Dog Gonzo on tap right when it was released. The web site always keeps a list of what is available on draft. There is a myriad of beers sold as singles also available to drink at the bar. This is the bar that also introduced me to wine drinking. I ordered a Riesling and the man on the stool next to me poked fun at me. The bartender came to my defense. There are many wines to try but I would be lying if I said that I have. The cheese and fruit plates are always enjoyable. The beer list is so extensive that I can't find it in myself to quit my first love. A great place to meet up with old friends and catch up on times in the cold dark winters and an even better place to hang out on the expansive patio when the weather breaks. The view of the Cuyahoga River with trains running beside it is beautiful to say the least. One of my favorite places to go in Ohio for beverages.