| - ya, im one of THOSE girls. you know, the kind that can't change her oil, flat tires, headlights, you get the picture.
i use AAA on a pretty regular basis and today it was the funeral of my battery.
I was sipping my sonic happy hour iced tea, listening to the radio while enjoying the cooler weather and my eventless saturday. Then i got bored of that, so i decided to take my tea home. but my car wouldn't start. what the hay!?!
thankfully, AAA was on my speed dial and they set me up with a 30 minute time frame. but im pretty much VIP since I use them all the time and a battery truck came to my rescue in like 10 minutes. I don't know for sure if it's bc of my important, best customer of the year status that it came so quickly but it did and it's safe to assume it's bc they love me so much. and it's another reason why i love them- ALWAYS on time.
the knight in shining armor (aka dirty work pants and beat up battery truck) came to the conclusion that my battery was dying a slow death. but he had a spankin new one w a 3 year warranty and it was ready to go for a sweet little price.
he got rid of the old one, installed the new one, and i was on my way. so for the $70 or so yearly charge for AAA, all i can say is it is SO worth it.
thanks and see you again soon, triple a!