Uncle Sam's specializes in cheesesteaks, and that's all I've gotten so far during the three times that I've gone here in 3 months.
Here's the breakdown:
Meat - Mediocre. Not distinctive/nothing special. my friend and i usually grab the seasoning on the side table and season each bite we take with that seasoning + black pepper.
veggie/meat ratio = just right. this is one of the more important factors when it comes to a delicious cheesesteak, imo. you need the greens to help regulate the meatiness.
bread: a tad heavy/thick for my taste, but the fact that it doesn't get soggy satisfies me very much so. too many times, I've tasted a cheesesteak where the bread was starting to melt with the juices coming from the meat inside.
i'm also a huge fan of sweet potato fries, and i would say that they do them very well! some people cut them too short and fry them too long to the point that the sweetness got completely fried out of existence. the thickness of the cut of each sweet potato fry, along with the length in which they fry these things for makes for a perfect sweet potato fry! i'd come here simply for the sweet potato fries. too bad you can't substitute the regular fries that come with your cheesesteak with the sweet potato fries. you have to get them separately. if you make the mistake of not realizing this and tell the cashier you want a cheesesteak with sweet potato fries, prepare to eat a lot of fries (to me, it's a dream come true until my next blood test).