Crazy little corner bar with FREE concerts by mid-level indie bands (and some major labels too).
We went to see British neo-soul band The Heavy perform on a Saturday - the second night of a two-day stint. Being a musician myself, I find the stage set-up a little weird, with the band basically performing behind the bartenders - but I'm used to really intimate divey venues where the band is basically in your face (Beauty Bar, Double Down, etc). I think the stage could use a little more lighting too.
That said - cheers to the Cosmo for having the guts to bring cool indie bands into Vegas and offer them up for free. This little space is a boon to the nascent indie music scene here. Drinks are pricey - a well bourbon & coke and a Bud Light ran about $17.00 a round - but since the shows are free I don't mind so much.
Kudos Cosmo!