| - My family and I stopped here to pick up a few boxes of donuts for the rest of the family who were waiting anxiously with they're coffee ready to pour back at my aunt's house.
The moment I walked in, I noticed a t-shirt for sale hanging from the sealing that said, "Friends don't let friends drink Starbucks". I thought it was extremely funny because my sister who was with me at the time, works at Starbucks and it was funny throwing it at her face about how bad Starbucks sucks. One star for the funny t-shirt.
I'm all about trying to help the environment and help save tress. But, at the same time, I do like having the option of choosing from either using paper towels or the hand dryer. This place only had the hand dryer and we all know that it takes several minutes to fully dry your hands, and, since I was at a donut shop, my goal was to get out of the bathroom ASAP because I wanted to pick out some of the donuts that I like. However, the moment I pressed the big shiny silver button, I literally jumped and got scared because that hand dryer was not any ordinary hand dryer. It sounded like a space ship taking of from NASA. The air was coming out so fast that it was pushing my hands downwards and it was making my skin move in all directions. My hands were dry in less than fifteen seconds. I never seen anything like it. I was simply, amazed. Two stars for the hand dryer.
The donuts were alright. I was not impressed at all and it was expensive.
I'm use to going to local donut shops that still have faded out signs from the 70's and 80's.
Hand dryer in the men's bathroom, I'll see you this Thanksgiving when I go up there to visit the family again.
.......................Maybe I should reconsider going to Arizona.