Absolutely terrible. They never took care of the maintenance issues, just passed them on to me. In once case they ignored the renters request for help with backed up plumbing for 6 days until the renter contacted me directly.
When the renters moved out, their move out inspection missed a couple of expensive issues and returned their deposit. Namely cat urine soaked carpet, the smell was terrible. I used their "move out" service to clean the renters trash and all they did was take an expensive walnut table of mine and LEFT THE RENTERS TRASH. When I tried to talk with Renters Warehouse about it, they refused to talk with me. Only a BS email excuse.
I could go on... stay away from these people at all costs.
I have filed a complaint with the BBB also.
EDIT: Melissa or Colleen. Numerous calls and emails were sent, almost all unanswered. The only replies I got were a couple emails making excuses. NO APOLOGY or attempt to remedy my loss of about $8,000 due to your companies blatent screwup was ever issued. No manager ever called to discuss this. Its all find and dandy for someone to "say" they want to help on Yelp but when it came down to it nobody did. This IS representative of how you run your company as evidenced by the numerous 1 star reviews here and on other sites.