| - Nordstrom's rack, oh how I love thee! As a budget and fashion conscious mommy of 5 little shopping protege's, this store allows me to fill my closet with all I desire, and not bust my bank account. I love my jeans, and the Rack is one of the only places with a fantastic selection of Seven for all Mankind, with prices between $70-$100, a far cry from Saks $225+. I scored a $210 Michael Stars dress for $29.97, and at the same price, a great comfy pair of Sofft wedge heal sandals. Lots of cute kids tees by Trunk, Junk Food, etc, all at rock bottom prices, even found some BCBG items that were well over 50% off, and they are items that can all currently be found at the BCBG boutique at Kierland. My bohemian side adores the racks of Free People they get in on a regular basis, and the little girls Flowers by Zoe. if you're in the mood to dig, and want some looks for decent prices, check it out. Granted, the prices aren't as cheap as TJ Maxx, but I far prefer the variety at the Rack.