Rule of thumb is to wait at least a few weeks to try a restaurant. Well, I couldn't wait(and happy I didn't).
The staff of course had no shortage of smiles and warm energy. Important to me is they were knowlegable in all the dishes, thus able to advise according to my pallete and their personal pallette.
Servicescape looks like a very mordern bar/restairant meets barn. Very cool.
To what matters most to me...THE FOOD! I order family style to make sure I have a well rounded opinion of a restaurants food.
I highly recommend quite a few things... My top favs...
1)Beef Crisps -new concept to me its playful and delicious play on a personal food favorite chicharrones. Subtle but you can taste the beef flavor and a popcorn-like airy goodness.
2)Spring Rolls - I slept on this the first night but thanks to the waitors advice I got to taste a home run. Ill get this every time. Its a unike flavor that you will just need to try, and far from the traditional spring roll flaovr... They are Addicting.
1)Salmon Clay Pot: Umami! Scent, sight, taste, its all there. I love when great tasting food is also healthy! The arouma of the smoke puts you in a happy place before you even take the first delicious bites.
2) Duroc Pork: Totally uniqie flavor from all the dishes. I need a bigger vocab to be able to describe the flavor. Felt vietnamese/thai in taste with the acidity. Nothing sweet about it. Savory lovers. It was just so good.
3) Whole fish: Meaty, Crispy. Flaky. It reminds me of a carribean esqeviche. Its very light for being fried. So good!
I didnt have any but there is a special black sheep beer drink that sounds like a big winner! Ask your server!
Ill update my review after 3rd visit. Can't wait!