| - I have a wee bit of a bakery addiction, so any time my spidey senses detect cupcakes within a 500 foot radius, I'm forced to stop and investigate.
This cupcake shop, which I learned is a national chain, is spotlessly clean and beautifully decorated on the inside. They have a gorgeous array of cupcakes in their glass cases, all of which look tantalizingly delicious. The girl behind the counter was very friendly and patient as I inquired about the various flavors. I ended up taking a cookie dough cupcake and a white midnight (chocolate with cream cheese frosting) home with me. They were carefully packed in an adorable box.
As has been noted in other reviews, Gigi's signature thing seems to be to pile the frosting on high. I mean, we're talking 4-5 inches of frosting. It does make the cupcakes look all fancy and gourmet, but frosting is one of those things where more isn't always better (another example of "more isn't better"...anything at Golden Corral. But I digress). And guys....let me tell you, I have a super high sugar tolerance. I'm the girl who is able to eat frosting straight from the can and could easily shotgun pixie stick after pixie stick when I was a child. But even I, the sugar queen, could not handle the frosting on these cupcakes. It was just way too teeth-hurting, stomach-ache-waiting-to-happen kind of sweet. So I highly recommend that you scrape off at least half of the frosting, if not more, unless you want to spend the rest of the day regretting your choices in life.
Sweetness aside, the flavor and texture of the white midnight cupcake was disappointing. The chocolate cake was kind of dry and bland, and the cream cheese frosting had very little discernible cream cheese flavor (which was too bad, because cream cheese would have provided a much needed bite to cut all of the sweetness). The cookie dough cupcake was much better....the cake itself was still a bit dry, but it did at least have the flavor of a chocolate chip cookie. And the frosting itself, while of course super sweet, tasted like you were eating a spoonful of cookie dough. So at least that one delivered on flavor.
Overall, if I'm going to deliberately put myself into a sugar coma, there are much better treats to overdose on than these cupcakes. While they certainly weren't the worst cupcakes I've ever had, I wouldn't go out of my way to seek these out again.