The days of gay bars only being for gay people are quickly fading into the past. While the bulk of the patrons will indeed be gay, I'd probably call you a liar if you told me that there were no straight people in the house on any given night.
The word on the street is that gay bars are fun places AND that they pour strong and cheap. And this word is true!
If you are looking for somewhere to dress to the nines, spend $500 on a bottle of vodka, show up in a stretch limo, or stay in your personal bubble... this is not the place for you. Nothing is fancy here and you dressing up will only make you a beacon to be gawked at. I have no idea if there is even bottle service here. You'd look like a goose if you showed up in a limo. And you are pretty much guaranteed to be approached.... and possibly touched/groped/fondled while here. Your mileage may vary on that last one.
This is a dive bar. You will see partial nudity (maybe full). You will be beckoned and oogled. During the summer, you probably will sweat when inside. For the most part everyone is super friendly and just letting it all hang out.
Drink specials are the bomb. $3 mini-pitchers on Wednesday? I'm not sure where you can beat that at.