They have terrible customer service in this store. They are nice in the beginning because they want your money, but when they make a mistake or lie to you they do not want to fix it. They are rude and disrespectful and I would advise people to go to any other store but here. I am very big on customer service, and the service I received today, particularly from Charles was terrible. If you do have to go into this store, please do not deal with him. Do not give him your money. Deal with someone else who appreciates you as a Customer and understands your money is their commission. I am strongly considering cancelling my service just from the experience I had. I don't care how great the cellular service is, if when I deal with representatives of the company my experience is horrible. Customer service is key in roles like this and Charles is not about customer service at all. Like dude if you hate your job and hate dealing with customers or having to fix mistakes that you made just leave the position or company already. I'm definitely going to be speaking to his district manager about his customer service for sure.