| - Anywhere where I can watch a game of baseball in an intimate setting, work on my tan, drink a beer, and get hit on by twins deserves no less than 5 stars. Especially when said ballpark is also the most popular, attendance-wise, on the Cactus League circuit as well as the namesake for a stuff purple walrus I had back in junior high.
In all the years I've attended Spring Training, I never had a chance to visit Hohokam Park, home of the Chicago Cubs as they never happened to play the Giants or A's during our trips . But this year, as luck would have it, the Cubs were hosting the Giants an hour after our plane landed in Phoenix. We had our fingers crossed that there would be no major flight delays and that scalpers would be abundant once we arrived. The Baseball God was smiling on us that day because our flight arrived on time and we scored a pair of lawn seats a few feet from our parked car.
Parking is $5. Lawn seats are $6. The beer man comes to your spot in the grass and delivers you a nice, cold can of Old Style for $5. And if you happen to be a family from the mid-west, find that Chinese girl wearing the Giants cap and dump your kids on her for the afternoon, it's free. By the way, the twins I mentioned earlier? Well, they were a combined age of 36 months but really, who cares about the details.