horrible..first time french tips not right size two different thumb nails..nd middle finger nails..really bad job ..second time a guy did them nd literally filed open the sides of my fingers..both times ive tipped 5 bucks smh regret..my nail breaks... same lady as the first time i ask for a mani she gives me one right after she paints my nails and gets a was cloth for mani nd fucks up the paint on my thumb nd sees it she did not fix it!!!!!!!! wtf took 3 bucks off my bill...she does not care about her work..i would never leave unfinished...so fuck that place im never going back.......
last but not least she put a cracked nail on me when i was going there for a broken nail so she tried to pull it off super glued dumb shit then she cuts it off nd glues the next one over it...
i will never ever go back...ps towel marks left in thumb nail...nd the woorrssttt mani in life..thanks nail gardens..