| - The crazy State of Arizona has this stupid rule that you have to get a smog check from one of their ADEQ centers (Arizona Department of Environmental Quality). Well, I took one of my cars there to go through the failed because the Service Engine light was on....what?! Why? What does that have to do with anything?
Ok, so I go to a mechanic and he fixes it and resets the light. 3 days later, I go back to the ADEQ center and it fails again! Why? Because they said that the computer in the car is "not ready"....what? What's that?! To get an answer, I have to park my car and go inside an office...out comes a manager and he says that the computer in my car is not "reset and ready" and so I have to wait until it is before I come back.
Perplexed, I asked..."how will I know when it's ready"?
He says..."I don't know, ask the mechanic".
I say..."wait, I have to go back and ask him when it's ready"?
He says..."well, that's the only way you will know for sure. The other option is that you drive around for a few days and hope that the car's computer is ready and then bring it back in for a test. However, if it fails again, you will have to take it to a location in downtown Phoenix and have a mechanic check it's not convenient or cheap".
I leave extremely frustrated and angry. Smog Checks are a scam.
Return Factor - Unfortunately, I'm forced to do this every time my car registration is due...100%