The absolute worst Dr Gupta for medicine management. He refuses to read past notes and disregards any important information. Pulls files for anyone on a medicine that is controlled and assumes "drug shopping" if another diagnostic test and or questions should be asked, he doesn't and claims you have something you're refusing treatment for. He's a HUGE problem to Las Vegas mental health.
Brian Norensberg is a horrible listener, speaks over you and comes to his own conclusions based on his handy book on his desk. He admittedly tells you he's in therapy himself and sometimes forgets his medicine, how convenient for a therapist! Or irresponsible. This place is a shame to mental health. It needs to be closed.
Updating to add: I was not a patient of Norsenberg, but I did a session with him and my husband- I'm clearing this up because today (1 year after the review) he figured out who we were and decided to give my husband a call and remark on this review and how it should be removed because I wasn't a "patient".
Brian, I was in your room for 20 minutes and you're suppose to be taking notes on what I was telling you about my husband (put anything about me being there, or you just think I shouldn't have an opinion on your presence?).
You did remember me after reading this- so how did you get off thinking I should change my review? You're bad at your job, period.
This makes it worse. Hope you like the new review.