| - I'm all about efficiency. I remember one time my brother was really mad, my mom gave him a sledgehammer and was like "Go tear down the shed!" Efficient. I like it. Feel like smashing something? Don't smash your TV, the wall, a door, your ex's car, and definitely don't smash a living thing - come to Angry Crab and smash a dead lobster with a rock!
First off, you will be angry - lobster is super expensive! (market price) And if the thickest part of the lobster tail is still a little raw & translucent like ours was, you'll be even madder! It's not like they put TLC into their seafood - all ingredients (seafood, seasoning, sauce, potatoes, corn) get steamed together in a plastic bag, just like all the famous chefs do! Efficient? Yes. Then they plop the bag on your table with some kitchen shears and a rock and everyone looks over for a free show - "Look at this idiot try to go back in time 5000 years and use a rock as his main eating utensil"
Then rage overtakes you and you're like "Why (SMASH) didn't (SMASH) I (SMASH) just (SMASH) order (SMASH) the (SMASH) shrimp!" Bits of lobster shell and goo flying around like Frankenstein's lab. But nobody judges you, it's completely acceptable to go all Dexter on that lobster!
I could have sent the lobster back, gotten something comped, but we had eaten a lot of it already, and I just didn't want to go through the hassle. Efficient. If cooking expensive seafood is your thing, maybe get it right the first time!
Shout out to the much less expensive shrimp, tho. We ordered the shrimp as well, with potatoes and corn, drippy seasonings throughout, and instantly wished we had ordered solely shrimp, or shrimp plus any other non-lobster edible crustacean - crab, clams, mussels, etc. The shrimp saved the night, along with the excellent Grapefruit Moon Juice IPA and some mozzarella sticks. And this happened to be the night KD buried the Cavs with the comeback and dagger 3 in Game 3 of the NBA Finals (very efficient!), which I watched on one of the plentiful TVs inside the Angry Crab while I ate the non-gross parts of the lobster.
ReCap: Beers, Shrimp, Potatoes, Corn, mozzarella sticks, TVs - good. Lobster, not quite cooked, expensive - bad. I would totally go back and avoid ordering the lobster, watch a game, have a good time. Don't be angry, Angry Crab. I'll still recommend you!