I've driven past this place on Ray many times and only recently did it register in my skull that this was a kaiten-zushi (????/??????) place. I think I always saw the Seksun Sushi part and never really noticed the "goround" part of it. Came here a few days back with a co-worker for lunch. Wasn't crowded at all - only one of the conveyor belts was going. Pretty much everything on the belt was some kind of roll. Don't remember any actual sushi in the rotation the whole time I was there - just rolls of all sorts. Maybe we came at an off time and since there weren't that many people there wasn't a lot of turnover in selection. They also had a bunch of desserts in the rotation - mango pudding, jellos of all different colors but they were taking up valuable real estate on the belt that could have been populated with better sushi. I was kinda disappointed but I decided to go ahead and "roll with it." Since I'm not really a "roller" can't even remember the names of them all. Co-worker on the other hand, is totally a "roller" and would be perfectly happy with the omakase from Safeway to tell you the truth. We'll probably come back just because it's closer than Teharu and cheap. In a lot by itself so parking is no concern at all.