3 visits: Customer service was alright. The lady at the sales floor Sarah was nice enough to even try to help me find a bra that I was looking for. Turns out, this location didn't have my size at all and they only had a few in stock. What a bummer. The girl at the fitting room Tiffany didn't help me. She simply just opened a room for me and disappeared. I feel there should be 2-3 people working there to help out. I needed to be sized but oh well, she gone lol. No where to be found. I don't care if the staff thinks it's "too crowded" or "too much" to have 2-3 working in the fitting room! It's just part of helping people out!! And the girl at the cashier Pilar gave me mean attitude. Rolled her eyes at me the moment I approached her with pushing my baby's stroller and a bag filled with shit. Whatever little girl! I'm not going to let a younger girl try to get at me. And all of you workers are supposed to be serving me!! :P