| - Headed out for lunch today hoping to go to Shogun Express, but not knowing if it was still around. Pulled in, and while I saw that it was gone, it had been replaced with Yogi's Grill...since I was going to a teriyaki chicken bowl, it didn't matter to me who's name was on the door...
Not too crowded when I walked in, and a nice bonus to see that they had the World Cup on (though weird that they were running the closed espanol). The queueing system was awkward, it was unclear it the line from the register went left or right. The line(s) moved quickly, and soon enough I was at my table waiting for my food. The gal at the register never gave me a number, but I got it from the receipt and eagerly awaited my number to be called. And waited...and waited a little more. I'm sure in reality it was 5-7 minutes, but generally it seems that chicken bowl places are much quicker than this. Anywho, eventually, another gal comes out and asks my number, then hands me my food. Kind of weird, think it'd rather you just call my name or number.
The bowl was fine, nothing out of the ordinary...the sauce did not strike me as good as what shogun used to have back in the day, but it was still a tasty meal. If I'm ever feeling like a chicken bowl, I wouldn't hesitate to go back to Yogi's.