| - You know where you are,You're in the jungle baby,You gonna die!
In the jungle ,Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your shun, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, knees, knees!
Because You just might Puke after what I'm about to tell you.
I Went to Pita Jungle for my first time, I order a diet coke, I took a couple of sips and then noticed that whole inside of the cup was covered in a thick grimy film. I though that maybe it was just scratched plastic, I scraped it with my fingernail and it came off...
uuuugggggghhhhhh!!! How incredibly nasty!!!!
I'm not talking a little bit of residue here folks I'm talking Scum Build Up from Hell!!
I wish I hadn't ordered already.
I take my glass up to the counter and ask to get a new soda in a
To-Go cup.
Once I sit back down I start looking around at other peoples cups and notice the same Funk caked up inside them as well and they are greedily sipping along without even using a straw..EEEEEEWWWWW
So this was not an isolated incident.
How do you not notice that, Please tell me, How do you not feel it touch your lips......(shudders)....
As I sit waiting for my food, Dear God, I can only imaging what kind of filth lies behind the counter where no-one can see if this(cup grime) is the kind of stuff they are serving up right under our noses.
I begin to look around and notice that the cups are not the only thing with the foul gunk build up......the tables too.....Oh God I'm watching a woman let her baby eat right off of the filthy thing!
My Food arrives, The glazed Chicken pizza (see pics) I looks good.....smells good.......
Well It actually tasted Delicious, Unfortunately I could not eat anymore than a couple bites as I was so disgusted with the filth of this place.
I had to rush right home and shower!
1 star because of the Scuzz factor
Are all Pita Jungles this repulsive?
if not please tell me which one is CLEAN!
I will never return to this location