| - Yuck! Yuck! Triple yuck. I hate leaving 1 star reviews, but I had to get this out there so people are aware and so hopefully management can help clean this place up. When we first walked in, the restaurant was a disaster, there was food and trash all over the floor. From the front door, through out the entire dining area. There were a ton of empty tables that had not been bused, with split drinks, food and trash all over. The place was basically empty so it looked like the staff was just lazy and was not ready to clean up yet. When we sat down I could see right into the kitchen. They had about a dozen or more pancakes sitting out on plates on their counter, just sitting there. I then watched the manager drop a towel on the floor by accident in the kitchen, then continued to wipe down the counter with the same towel. This made me cringe for I could see how dirty the floor was and then I watched a server prep food to go out to a table on the same counter he just contaminated. The staff ran around yelling at each other as if we were at a party, not a restaurant, they were yelling jokes back and forth, yelling for people to find other people and saying things like "Ya I just ripped my finger nail off finally!" I don't want to hear that from people handling my food! Yikes! I ran to the bathroom to wash my hands and almost tripped over the "wet floor" sign. The bathrooms were just as dirty if not even dirtier than the restaurant. We went ahead and stayed since we already ordered our food before we saw everything above. When our food came out I saw a different server grab our food, grab the sitting out pancakes and head our way. He said "Here you go, we went ahead and gave you a 3 stack since we have all these pancakes sitting out and need to get rid of them!" Why do I want to eat food that has been sitting out for god knows how long. I'snt all of our food supposed to be made fresh! If its not why are you telling the customer that?Ugh...... I cut into the pancakes and they were definitely stale and hard. I was too nervous to eat any of my food. My fiance on the other hand said "I'm a Marine I have eaten worse" so he went ahead and ate. I let the server know of my concerns and she assured me that it was safe to eat and they are always siting out, but I just couldn't. You can tell this specific location is lacking management and I am surprised they pass their inspections. Eat with caution here people!!!