I live about a block from this salon and all I can do is echo one of the other reviewers - hit or miss! When they moved from a smaller shop space in the same center, I thought they had it right. Clean, modern, fast, not expensive...but it certainly hasn't been maintained. The place needs a good cleaning and fresh paint- top to bottom. I've had some quick, polish changes with great results and also some sloppy work where they scrape off polish repeatedly with their finger nail trying to fix polish mistakes. (yuk...cannot be sanitary) or start applying polish when there's clearly old polish left on the cuticles. I drives me crazy when the nail tech is really rough and jabs at my cuticles and actually hurts me and looks surprised when I ask that they be more gentle. The other nail salon in the "hood, Elle nails at 7th Street and Missouri is actually worse, so I just hope for the best when I go and keep looking for a better salon in the neighborhood. Ladies, clean the salon occasionally, and pay attention to your customers' expectations. Mine are pretty low, and you still only deliver half the time.