| - I am not a green thumb but, Jeremy made me feel like I could be! I was on a mission to buy a cactus for my deck because I figured that would be the hardest thing to kill, since I do not have the greatest track record with the viability of vegetation. I am not sure why other reviews are complaining about selection because this place is HUGE! I felt like I was in a plush tropical forest :)
Jeremy ended up steering me in another direction and asked me a smart question, "Why don't you buy something useful? That can be your incentive to keep it alive." EUREKA! So, we (more he than I) ended up making a 'mohito bowl', which is a pot with a lime tree surrounded by various kinds of mint, perfect for making all kinds of wonderful fresh beverages! I did not even know there were so many kinds of mint (I ended up with orange mint, pineapple mint, spearmint, chocolate mint, lime mint and lemon balm)! He also noted it would make my balcony smell wonderful and if I opened the sliding glass door, my house would fill with the clean aromas of fresh lime and mint. I am forever SOLD on Moon Valley Nursery. Not only is the selection great, the prices fair, but the help is helpful and most importantly CREATIVE! I posted a picture of my 'Mohito Bowl' put together...I managed to get it together myself. My one complaint: I had to get a little dirty Haha!
Bottom-line if you are looking for some vegetation, whether a pro or a novice, this is a great place to start! Also I should mention, there are lots of VERY cool cacti here too!