| - I generally don't get too worked about hair salons, but Evoke has inspired a heretofore unseen fervor in me. I'm gonna be going to this salon until I die, or until I get banned from the premises.
The haircuts are one thing, and let me tell you, the haircuts are fine; fine not in the "acceptable" sense, but in the "fiiiiiiiiine" sense. I have a problematic relationship with my hair -- it's sort of a frienemy -- but Jon wrestles to the ground with gusto, and tells it what for.
Jon is also the owner of the place, so talking with him gives me insight into the way it's run, which is like some kind of futuristic high-speed train powered by dreams. Jon is a super-committed business dude who is passionate about finding ways to improve the customer experience. This is probably the only salon that offers heated aromatherapy towels and accupressure massages, and certainly the only one that does it in a non-creepy way. Last time, Jon told me about how he went down to SXSW to cut famous peoples' hair, including Mark Zuckerberg's sister. Come on, people.
In conclusion, Evoke is a hair salon that collects the hair that comes off your head, and sends it to a company who turns into some kind of device that soaks up oil spills. I am not even kidding. Get your hair done at Evoke and help some cute baby ducks; unless you hate cute baby ducks, I guess.