| - It's a candy store of accessories! Apparently, Charlie has locations around the country, but this his first foray into our fine town. For now, it is probably the number one reason to visit Tivoli assuming that you have an admiration for beads, baubles and other fine fashion accessory booty. It is right next to the parking garage too! How convenient.
The store is huge, imagine if Claire's grew up and along the way took some steroids. Everything is organized by color, making it a breeze to find just the thing. Numerous necklaces, bracelets, earrings, oversized rings, scarves, purses, pouches and a handful of shoes and clothes in a rainbow of colors awaits you.
Based on the bracelets and necklaces I admired things seemed reasonably priced at an average of $15. However, the price definitely reflects the quality. It is not high end, and I was a bit disappointed to not see any substantial beads or unique pieces. Maybe I did not look hard enough. I didn't make a purchase this time, but the next instance I find myself in need of a little extra something to complete an outfit, I will head straight for Charlie!