Ahhhhhh Macayo's my first job in Las Vegas, five stars for that! Oh wait...you fired me! ( stars removed)
Ok Macayo, your on your own now, this review will be based solely on your own merits.
1. Location. Nice building with ample parking love it. Star
2. Atmosphere. Clean and nicely decorated. Star
3. Food. Very consistent, love the seafood enchiladas, mini chicken chimichangas, and great sizzling fajitas. Star
4. Service. Nothin out of this world. Only what is expected. The girl with big boobs across my table did get extra exceptionally good service. Star
5. price. At around 8-15 for a meal? Star!
I'm out of stars but the margaritas are a star of their own! I had a couple, few, some, of them before writting this so they may have had some influence on the result of this review. I may have make some changes tomorrow when my margarita goggles are off!