I have been going to this Orange Theory Fitness location for several months, and it is a really excellent and challenging workout. I think the trainers do a good job of changing up the workouts particularly the resistance portion. I appreciate the ease of scheduling classes online (though the early morning classes often get booked in advance). The trainers are also very helpful if you have questions about proper weightlifting technique or form. While the workouts are really hard, you can also set your own pace, particularly during the cardio portion of the workout (for example by speed walking instead of jogging or running).
For people inexperienced with using the rowing machine, I would recommend finding some time with one of the trainers to understand the proper technique because it can be difficult to master. Additionally, if you have current or past injuries, be sure talk to someone about workout modifications. (I have a bad back and the trainers have been helpful in instructing me in alternate moves.)
I know other reviewers have had bad experiences with signing up. This was not my experience. I found the staff (and the associated documentation I had to sign) to be transparent and straightforward about the membership requirements and obligations (including the $30 processing fee and the cancellation period). In fact to offset the processing fee, I was given free Orange Theory Fitness swag (such as a free strap, towel, and bag).