Had a similar experience as the previous poster except that my hygienist was very nice (Kimber). She did have some unorthodox procedures compared to other hygienist, but I am certain they are all required by the attending dentist/group. She was always polite and very conscious of any discomfort.
Dr. 'Mo' ( NKUTU-KIRUNDA, MOHAMMED ) on the other hand should be avoided when possible. He was very unusual in his interactions and within minutes of meeting me he started a sales pitch stating that I would certainly need dentures later in life if I did not undergo his Invisalign treatment in addition to other things. Having had braces just a few years prior he definitely was looking to sell other services. Having been to dentists in several locations I can say that he was probably one of the worst I have encountered.
This group specializes in cosmetic dentistry so I was not overly surprised with the sales pitches for new cancer screenings, Invisalign, and Sonicare specific tooth brushes, but was surprised at the nickle-dime approach used on some basic cleaning issues and attempting to use scare tactics like dentures to have people have additional work done.
Also, they will charge you $15 out of pocket to apply fluoride after polishing!? Never heard or experienced any thing like that before. If you do go make sure you ask the hygienist or desk staff what will and will not be covered.
Will not be going back...