Guise, Gayse, Guyz...all listen too me. I wuz liek wut da fak? I caen't belief wut I haev scene hear twoday. Antham Cuntry Cub is da best plaec eber! It iz way bitter dan Summerland in da NW part uf Los Vegus. Da sucerity gerds at da gayte wur berry nice two me, end let me inside eazily witout any hassul.
I do nut liek the sport of gulf, but I fund many uther tings two do. But, I wuz disappoint because they did no have publick parking. Da sucerity gerd wuz like "Hrey! I is given u a parking tikit unlest u moove ur car!". Two me, it wuz very frustration and i had the anger.
Their wuz lots of wildlives. I saw rabit, and like over 9000 duks in da pond. When I got the hunger for food, I went tu mine frens hause. My frens house costed liek 1 millun dullers. I wuz impressed.
Somethey I hope I cun life hear at Anthum Cuntry Cub.