To my surprise I never knew there was an Augies in Independence. I stopped here to get my hubby a late night treat. He grew up eating Augies pizza from the original spot in Warrensville Heights when it was owned by the D'Aminico's. Since that Augies has new ownership he said the place and the pizza is a "hot mes".. If you go to Augies website all the other stores claim no relationship with the Warrensville pizzeria (HINT HINT). When we moved to Streetsboro he was elated to find there was an Augies in South Russell owned by Mr. & Mrs. Jenks. He was even more excited when he found out I went to school with one of Jenks daughters and son in law. Its been a while since patroning Augies because my husband's favorite pizzeria is Angelos in Lakewood and he's willing to burn gas and rubber on that hour long trek to get his pizza.
So I ordered his usual as I usually do. Medium, regular crust, light sauce, light onion, pepperoni, sausage, well done. It looks like an Augies pizza but his taste buds will be the ultimate judge. I took a picture.
Update 3/8/2014: The old man approves of his Augies pizza. Thank Goodness. It's hard work trying to keep the hungry spouse well feed.