I'm not a runner. I only run to keep in shape for other sports. Or when someone challenges me to a half marathon. I don't turn down challenges often.
So when I noticed my shoes were not doing the trick, I decided to head into Sole Sports to see what exactly they could do in a way of good, comfortable and cute running shoes.
First thing they made me do was run on a treadmill and video tape it. What did I learn? That I run like a baffoon. That didn't stop Sole Sports from helping me find the perfect pair of baffoon running shoes though, and ones that were still cute at that. I walked out with a great pair of shoes and some other running/work out apparel and feeling great about my sub-par running capabilities.
I've been back several times since for water belts and other items and they've been as stellar as the first time. They even helped me find a non black pair of running capris for the PJ Chang's half and ordered them for me. Purple here I come!!
Whether you hate running or love running, if you do it, you have to go here.