This place is hit and miss but mainly miss. I am fed up, i think they hire new people all the time or just lack consistancy. I recieved a Terrible haircut tonight from a green haired girl. Didnt even notice how bad until i got in my car and had diffrent lengths all over my head and she cut way too much off. I am a man and only have a few inches of hair and I asked for just a little bit off the top and do a little bit of blending becuase i wanted it to grow longer just evwn. She proceded to start cutting and then gave me a fade on the sides. And then cut off over an inch and a half. Be careful here it is a gamble to get a decent hair cut. Especially stay away from the one with the green hair. She acts like she knows what she's doing and acts very nice. But has no concept of how much hair she is cutting off. Maybe a nice person but by far the worst haircut i have ever had. I am sure they know exactly who this is and i hope so. When i came back in showing the Manager she did offer me the next haircut free. But i had already paid for the haircut which i should have got my money back for. To her credit she did try to help fix the green haired girls mistakes which i appreciated, So since she didnt give me my money back and i have free haircut i will go back to her and update my review then. But now i have to wait a while for my hair to grow becuase my hair is completely messed up and it will take months to get it back. Very upset customer.