| - Wow. Where to start. First, on a very cold night out, they all the windows open. It was freezing inside. Second, the seating. They have several tables and chairs surrounding the dance floor, which they remove just prior to the music beginning. While there is nothing wrong with that practice, they should ensure that patrons are aware this is occurring. If folks get there early to get a good seat, only to have it taken away from them, that could be an issue. Thankfully, it wasn't for us, but still disarming to have to move. Third, the first time we got up to dance, leaving our coats on the chairs, the drinks we had just started drinking disappeared while on the dance floor. The couple sitting across from us, mentioned this to our server prior to us getting back and she replaced the drinks, which brings us to #4: she charged us for the new drinks as well as the almost full drinks which were removed. Fifth, when I pointed this out to her, she gave a bogus excuse that the drinks were almost empty and it was standard practice to remove them. Not to mention the drinks weren't almost empty, we had barely begun drinking them. Now, they did remove the drinks from the bill, but not without discussion.
Now, on the other hand, the waitress was very attentive, while not being intrusive. And the band, Rock Lobster was simply amazing.