Purchased my house new and Chas Roberts did the AC install. Nothing but problems since.
The back half of the house doesn't cool or heat properly, dust coming out of the vents and leaks worse than a submarine with a screen door.
Hired a company to perform a inspection and they found the main feed line to the back half of the house crushed, holes in the air handler where the air returns connect, improperly sealed ducts and a patch on the sheet metal using aluminum tape.
Going to cost $1500 to repair.
In response to a Comment from Stephanie L. of Chas Roberts Air Conditioning & Heating.
You've been out to my house when it was new trying to adjust the air flow without even trying to find the root cause of the problem. Partially reducing the vent openings at different registers to get air flowing to the areas where there was little and claiming success was not fixing the real problem, poor workmanship!!