Waste of decent, not great, food. From the 1st encounter; a non-existent line to place name on a waiting list, to sitting forever at your table for even a drink order...on a Tuesday night at 8pm? Wow.
After the spouse got over paying $6 for stale, thick, cold chips and bland salsas in a Mexican restaurant, our mahi tacos & chorizo burger arrived. 3 stars for the food but the lack of attentiveness to the customer's experience really detracted from the whole experience.
Of note: their menu has dual pricing with and without Total Rewards card. As a TR card holder, we were told they weren't honoring the Total Rewards discount any longer...but the menu still states that dual pricing is applicable? Why?? Maybe cross or white-out to prevent advertising error and misinformation for customers...or honor your posted prices!
The leftover burger I took back to my hotel room was still good cold...wish I could say we'd go back but we won't. This was our 3rd visit to date and aside from going in the middle of the night for $2 tacos, I can't say it is worth it with sooo many other dining options.