| - I'm so damn full! Standing in my kitchen eating the left overs from dinner. Every bite I tell myself "You're full, you don't need any more of this." But, I can't stop.
We went to dinner, for the first time, tonight at Singing Pandas and left very happy. Everyone is a snob when it comes to ethnic food. They think the (fill in ethnicity here) food was so much better where they grew up. Well, I lived my first 25 years in San Jose, CA and since I moved to Phoenix I have not found what I felt was good, let alone great, Chinese food. Until tonight. Anyone from San Jose that ever went to The Good Luck restaurant on Cottle Rd. will love this place.
The owner made a point to stop by every table and check in. She is very sweet and you can feel that she has her full heart invested in her restaurant. The service was professional, expedient, and personable. Food came out of the kitchen quickly, even at 7:00 on a Saturday night.
And live entertainment to boot. Who could ask for more???