HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE! Untrained and uncaring staff, disgusting food, no outside water so forced to buy expensive drinks. It was nearly 100 degrees when we went! We ended up spending more on drinks than the ride and mini-golf. The pizza was premade frozen squares which they served BURNT. Staff were young, untrained and did not care at all about the guests. No one raised any of the sun umbrellas on the course to spite the intense sun so I had to raise them myself! A young male staff member operating the spinning obstacle ride had it spinning so fast that small girl was slammed down hard and hurt her arm badly (possible break). I felt so bad for her but the staff member showed ZERO concern for her like he saw it many times before. I had to go over and tell him sternly to SLOW IT DOWN to protect the other small kids on the ride. I watched other staff members who looked miserable and did not seem to want to be there. I will NEVER go back there again and advise that you AVOID them if considering.