We went shopping on our way home from Tempe. We usually shop at the Frys at Bell and I17 but by the time we got there it was right before 11 and they close at 11. The next Fry's open was at 19th avenue and Union Hills. They close at midnight. We went shopping and got to the registers by 11:30. There was no full service check out open . Only the U scan ones were open. We went to the scan ones and scanned our groceries. Scanning our 2 liters one by one and then hitting the button to put them in the cart after each scan. The reason why I"m writing this review because I feel like it is absurd that your a grocery store and open til midnight and don't have a full serve check out open for those people that had more then a U scan could accomadate. We had a lot of 2 liters around 10 plus other items. The 5 for 5 things we reviewed our receipt and something wasnt right. no one even asked if we needed assistance . The only reason we knew what to look for because the checker at our frys had told us the plus next to the item meant it was the 5 for 5 items. I did ask the guy at the uscan why there wasn't a full check out open and he said he didnt know why. He only came to the machine that you swipe your card was making the sound for the chip card to be inserted.
If your going to be a full service grocery , then be one from opening until close!