| - My intense enthusiasm for India Garden comes from its complete absence of competition on this side of town. If I had given into my inner fanboy squee and yelped, "OH, THANK GOD, I CAN GET A KORMA WITHOUT DRIVING TWENTY MILES!" then I certainly would have given it four stars.
It's like the guy who sells you beer in prison: Is it any good? Who cares? It's beer, man, and it'd be too much trouble to brew your own hooch. Hence, India Garden wins for being the sole provider - it's the Windows 95 of restaurants.
As it is, what we have here is pretty darned average Indian food. Which is not to say that it's bad Indian food - it's really quite tasty, as Indian food is wont to be. I eat here twice a month, because dangit, what they provide works. If you like Indian food, this will not let you down.
And like all good Indian restaurants, it has takeout for those evenings you just need some spice at home, and a good and darned cheap lunch buffet which I recommend for those days out.
These guys are brute efficient, working to satisfy the palate; they do their job with a thorough competence, if not necessarily flair. it's the definition of A-OK, as it says on the handy-dandy star rating bar above me, and by God it's worth your time to go here because they ARE here.
Keep them in business. They do good work.