| - I'd probably give this place four stars, if it weren't for the lame "Rain or Shine" policy. I'm not sure if it's strictly a Live Nation policy, the amphitheaters, or both. I guess that's just the nature of the beast for an outdoor, open air concert venue. There are no covered seats!
Recently, we went to see Jim Gaffigan - it rained and rained - and then it rained some more. After about thirty minutes we left and went to VGBG to dry off. As we were leaving VGBG, we could hear applause as the opening act came out. It was still raining and an 8PM show was just starting at 9PM.
I will base my review on previous events. The acoustics are pretty darn good. Lawn seating, although it can feel overcrowded and over sold ticket wise, is perfect for a concert. I no longer feel the need to be close enough to see a musician's nose hairs. Chances are the people in front of you would be standing up anyway, forcing you to stand up as well. I'm too old to stand up at a concert - I'll just sit on the lawn.
I do find $11.50 -$13.50 for a can of beer fairly grotesque, even if it is 24 ozs.
Tip: every once in a while, lawn seats for certain shows pop up on Groupon - this is a great way to avoid all those extra ticket fees.