| - IT'SUGAR certainly sounds like a candy store, but if you think that's what you're walking into, you're in for a *treat.
I'd say this place is a novelty shop, with lots of candy too. Sure, there's candy bins with some of the most expensive (priced) candy in town, but where else are you going to find a huge rice crispy, ginormous gummy bear, ridiculously large chocolate bar, and all in one place? That's right, It's sugar is about the only place you will.
There were literally kids in this candy store and I can first handedly tell you, the saying 'like a kid in a candy store' is true. I just couldn't stop from touching everything, licking the candy bins and running around asking if I could have whatever would fit in my hands.
Novelty shop or candy store? ... you decide!
Happy Yelping Phoenix, sometimes it's ok to be a kid in the candy store.